There are various pricing tiers. Individual Pastors, Leaders or Guests can register for $200. Pastors can pay for a spouse and up to 5 leaders within their church. After 7 people from one church register and pay, anyone else FROM THAT SAME CHURCH will be able to attend the conference at no charge.
The quick reader or QR Code will help GABKY accelerate and streamline your check-in process when you arrive to the conference. Each registrant MUST register individually (even if your Pastor or Leader pays on your behalf), in order to generate your unique QR Code. This will help us avoid long lines and get everyone to their desired destination much quicker than in the past.
When the Pastor registers the whole church (and pays), they will receive an email with a link to share with everyone in their congregation. Contact us at 502.587.8714 or if you need the link.